EU projects at Global Training




No code designer


(Cyprus, Nicosia)


European Erasmus+ projects within the Global Training programme and a virtual reality education project.


Brief summary of the European Projects (Erasmus+) in which I have participated with the company Emphasys in Nicosia (Cyprus), within the Global Training 2023 programme.

The team

Project 1 -> Genderate

¿What is it about?

The project aims to support the efforts of achieving gender equality in TVET, a gender equality that not only aims to empower females to join technical and vocational education but also to support the efforts of organisations for gender mainstreaming.

My rol

Designing the webpage in WordPress

Proyect 2 -> Digitaliators

¿What is it about?

This project wants to address the digital transformation of society and services offered by both the public and the private sectors of the economy by developing and offering high-quality, flexible learning materials to senior citizens and adults facing problems because they don’t know how to use the internet applications that would make their lives easier.

My rol

Designing the webpage in WordPress

Project 3 -> EU4YOUTH2ACT

¿What is it about?

This project wants to empower disadvantaged Young People with personal, social, democratic and civic skills in order to deal with the consequences of the post-Covid era or any other barriers; it’s designed to engage them in sharing their stories, to actively participate in volunteering initiatives and to take part in debating policies or raising their voice related to 2024 EU Elections.

My rol

Designing the webpage in WordPress

Project 4 -> VR Hackathon

¿What is it about?

European Erasmus+ Project for the acquisition of high digital skills including AI and Unity Game Development and better skills match with the tech market for VET students.

For two weeks, students from different countries (Poland, Spain, Greece and Serbia) had the opportunity to train with UNITY software and design their own virtual reality game simulation.

Participants were divided into teams, each tasked with conceptualizing and developing their own game simulations. The collaborative environment encouraged cross-disciplinary learning, as students with diverse skill sets—from coding to graphic design—worked together to bring their ideas to life. The focus on UNITY software allowed participants to explore the full potential of AI technologies in a creative context, enhancing their understanding of how these tools can be applied to solve complex problems in the real world.

My rol

Teaching support fot VET students in the use of the UNITY platform and virtual reality glasses.

Personal assessment

+ Create a simple 3d video game for use with virtual reality glasses.

+ Teaching the Unity tool to students from different parts of Europe.

+ Learning the Wordpress tool

- UX design process is not fulfilled

- Almost defined designs

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