Achondroplasia in the purchasing process




2 weeks




Ania Guijarro


Service safari
Empathy map

Analysis of the shopping experience of people with achondroplasia in supermarkets.


This assignment is part of the course "Human Centered Design", part of the Master in Strategic Product and Service Design at the University of Mondragon.

The exercise has been based on the principles of Metodología de Innovación Centrada en las Personas (Design Thinking (IDEO, 2011)).


-> Extract insights through the use of different research techniques to improve the shopping experience in supermarkets.

-> To study the level of inclusivity of supermarkets towards people with achondroplasia.

-> Carry out an user research plan for people with achondroplasia.

-> Generate active, comfortable and trusting participation with volunteers.

Preliminary considerations

It is essential to be transparent with the user about the nature of the research, to obtain their informed consent, and to ensure that they understand how the information collected will be used and its purpose.

To this end, an extra effort has been made to provide perceived value, even if it is not tangible, and to create an environment in which the user feels respected and understood.

When exposed to recordings, shadowings or other forms of direct observation, avoid giving the user a sense of invasiveness that is uncomfortable and negatively affects their behaviour.

Design methodology


Desk research

It is an approach to achondroplasia in order to tackle the pre-planned tasks and tools in a careful, attentive and respectful way with the participants.

Identification codes for addressing people with achondroplasia are identified as people with short stature, and terms such as "enano" o "persona baja" are rejected.

In addition, it is noted that the elements offered during the development of the tasks must be inclusive with their height, and in this way, high benches, high tables and inaccessible establishments for them, such as horizontal bar counters that disable their use, will be avoided..


Lara Z.
(Zarautz, 1993)

How often do you go to the supermarket?

‘'s usually just things that we need urgently at home or I need to have lunch or dinner the same day’.

When is your favourite time to shop?

‘I don't use Eroski's home delivery service because I have the shop next to my house and it is more expensive"
‘I don't have a favourite time, but I don't like it when the supermarket is full of people"

Do you prefer to go alone or accompanied?

Even though Eroski doesn't make things easy for me, I want to help the mistress do the shopping’
I feel that in the future I won't have the help of the mistress, so I have to get used to doing the shopping on my own’
I feel that in the future I won't have the help of the mistress, so I have to get used to doing the shopping on my own’

What do you use to transport the products in the shopping process?

I always use the shopping trolley that Eroski has, although it has its drawbacks, it is the tool that best suits my needs’
“I never use the big trolley, it does not suit my height or my pushing strength”

What's the worst part of shopping?

“the moment of payment makes me uncomfortable”
“the Eroski I go to has a fixed dataphone and sometimes I feel without privacy”
“I don't like asking for help to pick up personal products, nor when I want to make a product comparison”
“sometimes I feel that the people around me want to help me too much”

When the environment prevents you from taking action in the supermarket, who do you go to first?

I don't have problems asking for help in the establishments I am used to going to’
“I don't usually improvise when it comes to shopping, I usually know beforehand what I am going to buy”

What had been planned as a three-quarter hour interview turned out to be a relaxed chat lasting almost two hours, which was highly appreciated by the staff.


The tool has been completed with the profile of Lara, the user who has accompanied us throughout the work.


We decided to modify the Run the Safari tool because of the impediment (due to physical limitations that cannot be reproduced) of making the shopping experience by putting oneself in the shoes of people with achondroplasia. It has been decided to combine different tools to make the shopping experience as similar as possible.

The team is going to simulate the supermarket shopping trip by means of a small-scale quick model (desktop walkthrough style) but with one difference: the figure, a reproduction of the user, is going to be directed by users with achondroplasia where the events will be accompanied by real conversations that take place in the shop itself. In this way, a comfortable environment is created that allows to identify the emotions or internal thoughts that the users have in the shopping experience.


It has allowed us to see the interaction with the elements integrated into the shopping experience.

Empathy map

We have collected the most sensory information from the user throughout the analysed process, taking into account what they think, feel, see, hear, say and do.

Cocreation session

-To analyse the critical points detected in the exploration phase and obtain design insights that facilitate the purchasing process for people with achondroplasia.

- Assessment of the elements provided by Eroski in the purchasing process.


Contact me if you want to know more about this project.

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