1 week
Miren Etxezarreta
Neia Isidro
Gaizka Elejalde
Menajes Ibili
Design of a housing for inserting ethylene eliminator sachets for the refrigerator.
In collaboration with the company IBILI, this project is part of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design of Products and Services with the objective of developing a product proposal using the Design Sprint methodology.
Design products that are meaningful to the user/customer, technologically feasible and economically viable within one week (design spint).
Develop a container / housing / container format in which to insert ethylene eliminator sachets, which function properly inside the fridge, especially in the drawer for fruit and vegetables.
Analysis phase
Fruits and vegetables naturally release a plant hormone called ethylene (C2H4), which is responsible for the ripening process.
Bio-preservation absorbs ethylene by means of potassium permangnate granules, to keep fruits and vegetables fresher for a longer period of time in a natural way.
-> It is not recommended to place the device at the bottom of the drawer
-> The bags should be replaced every few months (3-6 months)
-> It should include a time marker
-> The device should be easy to clean and remove.
Brand analysys
-> Compact
-> Organic and simple
-> Colourful
-> Rounded edges
-> Ingenious solutions
-> Easy to use
-> Medium/high price
Market analysys
-> Price range 5-25€
-> Many of the products are also used for odour
-> Refills for about 1 year (user complaints due to difficulty in obtaining them)
-> The time strip is mostly used as a time indicator, although many do not have one.
User analysis
-> There is a rejection of chemicals in the fridge
-> No knowledge of the ethylene removal process
-> The drawer is often quite full
-> No distinction is made between fruit and vegetable drawers
-> There are often two drawers and they are transparent
-> Vegetables are generally kept in the drawer intended for them
-> Vegetables are generally kept in the drawer intended for them.
Product poster